Noredlac Optical Laboratory Inc was founded in 2018 by me...

Allen K. Calderon

I bring nearly 3 decades of optical lab manufacturing experience to the company, starting in the early 90’s.  The majority of those years included working and gaining the invaluable knowledge and experience in a full service (surfacing and finishing) optical laboratory.  The industry experienced rapid growth during my early years and I took full advantage by staying ahead and adapting to an ever changing environment.  Not only did I learn “the job,” but my resourcefulness (maintenance and repair) to creativity (problem solving and detail oriented) earned me the respect of my peers.

Why Choose Us?

Why would anyone want to make glasses for nearly 3 decades you ask?  There is nothing more rewarding in this industry when you see patients react the way they do when they see better.  Some will be overcome with so much joy that they may shed a tear, or two. We want what you want, and that’s glasses that are crafted with the highest possible quality to positively impact the lives of your patients.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide excellent quality with unparalleled service to you, your staff, and your patients.  I don’t know who said this, but this is one of my favorite quote, “When you love what you do, you never have to work a day in your life.” My passion is crafting high quality eyewear.  I just love doing it.

